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Speed Slalom Rules :

What is Speed Slalom ?

You have to go through 20 cones as fast as possible, the most efficient trick to do it is front one foot. You may use quads or inline skates ; 4 or 5 wheels skates.

Distance between cones

The cones are separated by 80cm. (This distance is calculated from center of the cone to center of the next one)

Cone size

The size of the cone is usually about 8cm wide, 8-10cm High. They may be cones or cups.


In a Speed Slalom competition, there are two parts : Time Trials & KO system

Time Trials : Each rider has two runs to do the best time he's able to do. The time is calculated from the start line (12m before the first cone) to the finish line (80cm after the last cone) or it may be calculated from the first cone to the last cone. To calculate this time, electric chronometers are needed. When a skater hits a cone or misses an interval, a penalty of 0.2 seconds for each cone hit & for each interval missed is added to the time realized. The total time of the run is the time calculated by the chronometer + number of penalties x 0.2sec. After the two runs, the judge keep the best time of each skater to compute the ranking. If two skaters have the same best time, we use the second time to decide ; if the second time is the same, the best will be the skater who had less penalties; if the penalties are the same, the best will be the first skater who realized the time.


K.O. System : After time trials, we take the ranking to compose the duels. According to the number of skaters who entered the qualifications, 4 - 8 - 16 or 32 riders advance to the finals. The final table is done like following :

In each duel, each rider has to win two runs to advance to the next round.The different rounds are 1/16th finals ; 1/8th finals ; 1/4 finals ; 1/2 finals ; consolation final ; final.

Start procedure : after skaters have been called by the speaker, the start judge says : "on your marks", when the two skaters are placed, the start judge can say "ready", then he has 5 seconds to start the signal. As soon as the signal has been heard by the skaters, they can start. If one skater start before the signal, the run is stopped and the start procedure starts again. If a skater is responsible for two false starts, he looses the run.


-The start judge has to do the start procedure and to check false starts. The 2 penalties judges count cones hit & missed (one judge per course). The chronometer judge checks the times, report them on the computer and adds the penalties. The chief judge validate the ranking and makes decisions, he also manages the complaints of the skaters.


Every skaters who entered the competition must appear on the ranking list. The final round defines 1st & 2nd place. The consolation final defines the 3rd & the 4th place. The loosers of 1/4 finals are ranked from 5th to 8th place according to the time trials classification. The loosers of 1/8th finals are ranked from 9th to 16th place according to the time trials classification. The loosers of 1/16th finals are ranked from 17th to 32nd place according to the time trials classification. The other skaters who didn't reach the finals keep the ranking of the time trials.

Style Slalom Rules :

What is Freestyle Slalom ?

You have to go through different cone courses, and to do different tricks.(tricks are here)You can do the tricks you want to do but your time is limited. A jury is here to compare the different runs of each riders and to do a ranking. You may use quads or inline skates.

Distance between cones

There are usually 2 or 3 different cone courses according to the country rules. The distance between cones changes from 50cm to 1m20 (This distance is calculated from center of the cone to center of the next one). In a same line, distance between cones is the same. The number of cones per line is usually 20. For example, if you use 3 lines, the size will be 50cm, 80cm & 1m20 & you'll need 60 cones. If you use 2 lines, the size will be 50cm & 80cm & you'll need 40 cones.

Cone size

The size of the cone is usually about 8cm wide, 8-10cm High. They may be cones or cups.


In a Freestyle Slalom competition each skater has one or several individual runs. There could be only one run, there could be two runs, or there could be one qualification run & one final run. In each run each skater has 90 seconds to perform his tricks on the different lines. Each skater can bring his own music to perform his run (he has to bring it on cd format). The chronemeter starts as soon as he crossed the first cone. The skaters will be judged on different criteria like style, technique... and they obtain a score between 0 & 100 points. The best will be the skater who obtained the most points. If there are two runs, we usually keep the best run to compute the ranking.

Penalties : If a skater hits one or several cone during his run, he has a 0.5 points penalty for each cone hit. If a skater falls during his run, he has a 2-5 points penalty according to the importance of the fall. If a skater doesn't skate on one of the different lines, he has 10 points penalty.

The total score of the run for each judge is : points obtained for the run - number of cones hit x 0.5 - falls


-At least 3 judges are needed.

Run Judges : Each judge evaluate the complete run according to the different criteria like style, technique, management... (100 pts). We calculate the average points of the three judges. If there are 4 or 5 judges (what is best), the worst & the best score for each skater are removed and we calculate the average of the other scores.

Cone boys : They have to take the cones hit and put them back on the marks. They do it only when the skater has left the line where the cones were hit. They have to be very fast and never stand between the judges & the skater.

You may use a penalty judge, who counts the hit cones, falls, etc... after the run he adds the penalties (for example -n) to the score.


Style : The Style /40 points is evaluated according to the ease & fluidity of the tricks and trick sequences, & according to the personal key brought to the run. (gestural, blocks, dedicace, tricks of complement...)

Technique : The Technique / 40 points is evaluated according to the difficulty of the tricks and trick sequences done by the skater, & according to the performance speed of the tricks.

Management : Management /20 points is evaluated according to the different tricks families showed during the run (wheelings, low tricks, side tricks, eagles, crazies) & according to the complete use of the competition area.


Every skaters who entered the competition must appear on the ranking list. If there are several runs, we use to keep the best score of the two (or more) runs. If two skaters have the same best score, we use the second score to decide. If the two scores are the same, they obtain the same ranking. The skaters who didn't qualify for the final keep the ranking of the qualifications.

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